Children Bocas Lit Fest
I will be participating in the 2021 Bocas Lit Fest! This is a great accomplishment and I am so happy to receive this opportunity as a...

Let’s party!
“My Soca Birthday Party: with Jollof Rice and Steel Pans”

Read Aloud - Loop lit News
Yolanda T Marshall featured on the Loop news "Read Aloud 202'

Happy Black History Month 2021
My African Ancestors left songs, which I sang as a child and continue to. My dear friend here reminded me of this childhood song we...

CBC best Canadian picture books of 2020
"My Soca Birthday Party: with Jollof Rice and Steel Pans", made the top picture books like for 2020!!!! I AM ELATED!!...

Featured on WRTV ABC NEWS (USA)
There's magic to be found in differences,Yolanda T. Marshall says.Giving children the gift of diverse picture books helps them explores that

CBC The Next Chapter
In case you missed my interview on CBC The Next Chapter https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thenextchapter/full-episode-nov-28-2020-1.5814419/why-yo...

Storytime ~ A Soca Birthday Party reading

My 2020 Globe and Mail newspaper article
Read it here - https://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/music/article-no-caribana-this-year-lets-help-you-create-your-own/

Wear your Masks!
My Illustrator of "A Piece of Black Cake for Santa", Subi Bosa, added masks to my characters in this fun photo!

Displayed in Indigo- Bay & Bloor
Thank you @IndigoBayBloor This book represents the heritage of most Black children in Canada. This is us, for all to celebrate! This...

Virtual Book Launch
You are invited to my virtual Soca Birthday party! Meet my Illustrator, Subi Bosa. Enjoy the rhythms of the Steel Pans by Kunjaz Steel Ensem

Book Unboxing: My Soca Birthday Party: with Jollof Rice and Steel Pans
As Anne’s birthday drew close, her friends prepared a soca party. Anne loves the sound of Caribbean soca music played on steel pans and West

Diverse Reads: Books to Diversify your kids bookshelf!

In the Press!
Yolanda T. Marshall Newspaper, Interview

My Soca Birthday Party: with Jollof Rice and Steel Pans
My Soca Birthday Party: with Jollof Rice and Steel Pans

Read2Me TT - tucking the nation's children to bed!
Tune in to see a LIVE reading, at 8pm, of, “Miles Away In The Caribbean.” Visit @read2me_tt IG page! https://www.instagram.com/read2me_tt...

Virtual Storytime! Let’s read “Miles Away In The Caribbean.”
Miles Away In The Caribbean is a poetically written story about a Canadian boy named Miles. In his magical spaceship, he visits Antigua...

Interviewing the Caribbean Journal
The University of The West Indies Press Interviewing Caribbean (IC) is a creative peer-reviewed composition of poetry, non-fiction and...